Turner Contemporary is presenting the largest survey exhibition of seminal British artist Anya Gallaccio, titled preserve, on view until January 26, 2025. Spanning over three decades, the show features Gallaccio’s iconic works alongside a new site-specific installation. Known for using organic, ephemeral materials like ice, flowers...

This October, Dai Ichi Arts is delighted to present a duo show Sayaka + Sayaka: contemporary ceramics by Shingu and Oishi Sayaka featuring two women artists from Japan.In this show, flora and fauna converge, giving rise to captivating contemporary ceramics. The two women artists from Kansai expand...

Nara Roesler New York is pleased to present Exploded view, André Griffo’s first solo show in the United States. With a critical essay by Lúcia Stumpf, the show brings together around 12 works by the artist developed over the last year specifically the exhibition.With a background in Architecture,...

Voltz Clarke Gallery is pleased to present Filial love, a solo show, by Sasha Sykes Distinguished Irish artist Sasha Sykes’ latest solo exhibition, Filial love is a meditation on one of Sykes' most profound influences: her 82-year-old mother's celebrated garden in Ireland. This deeply personal body of work...