Climate Activists Temporarily Shutdown Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum

Source Credit:  Content and images by HYPEBEAST.  Read the original article -

Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum was temporarily closed on Saturday, May 7, due to climate protestors blocking the entrance with yellow smoke bombs. Members from the British activist group Extinction Rebellion (XR) were clad in yellow jumpsuits and proceeded in chaining themselves to fences as they set off canisters, painting a scene that is more akin to watching a high-stakes European football match, than entering an art institution.

XR carried out the demonstration to implore the Rijksmuseum to cut ties with ING Bank, whom the activist group stated as one of “the largest financial driver[s] of the climate crisis.” According to reports, the institution had welcomed protestors in the neighboring Museumplein, “but unfortunately, they did not comply with the instruction,” Rijksmuseum told Dutch news agency, ANP.

“By accepting money from ING, Rijksmuseum is allowing the big polluter to hide its dirty face behind famous works of art from Dutch history. This must stop!,” XR said via social media, as they also unfurled a large yellow banner in front of the institution to lambast ING’s connection to climate change. 33 protestors were arrested throughout the day and the incident echoes several years of similar demonstrations, in which climate activists have primarily targeted art institution’s as stages to scrutinize the hidden forces contributing to ecological ruin.

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Source Credit:  Content and images by HYPEBEAST.  Read the original article -
