Garvey|Simon is pleased to present Homeward Bound, a group exhibition exploring interiors, domesticity, and familial structures. The works in this show evoke the comfort, intimacy, and unique qualities of home through a diverse range of mediums and perspectives. Each piece invites viewers to reflect on...

The new 2024 Elisa Contemporary Art exhibit is a Group show featuring Dimensional Artwork at the Elisa Contemporary Art Gallery in Riverdale NY. It will open on Wednesday, September 25. It will run until December 4, 2024.The show includes layered plexiglass sculptures by New York Artist, Neva...

For the 2024 edition of Frieze masters, Garth Greenan Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of works by Allan D’Arcangelo, Nicholas Krushenick, Howardena Pindell, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Fritz Scholder, Franklin Williams, and B. Wurtz. The seven artists in this exhibition span multiple 20th and...